7:40 AM | Author: Hyla
Happy Saturday and Easter weekend! I have a confession. I have fallen off the wagon a bit. In two areas. First, my commitment to post here on my blog (it has been a very busy month!) and well, truth be told, I have recently indulged in a few things that are not vegan. Whew. Glad to get that off my chest. So, before you envision me scarfing down a big juicy steak or chowin' down on some "finger lickin' good" chicken (EEW!), let me reassure you that I have not gone back to being a carnivore. I have never gone 100% vegan and don't know that I ever will. However, I strive to consume 90-95% of my food from vegan sources. There are non vegan ingredients lurking in so many products! I do not always have the time, desire or willpower to weed through every single darn thing I eat. This confession stems from two occasions this week when I knowingly ate stuff that contains egg or dairy... in the ingredients. I wasn't licking mayo off of a spoon or anything!
The reason I'm exposing the truth is because I think flexibility is so important regardless of your "diet". And because no one is perfect. I'm certainly not! People think in terms of all or nothing. I don't buy into it though. I struggle with calling myself a vegan sometimes because I do not always adhere 100%. I am really trying and doing the best that I can. Even if I occasionally slip up, (and who doesn't?) I know I'm still making a huge difference on my own health, the health of this awesome planet and in the lives of the animals that are spared.
If you are trying to eat better or giving vegetarianism a try, keep at it! One step at a time. Don't worry about being perfect! You will be making a difference no matter how big, or small, your commitment is.
I'm still learning so much about vegetarian/veganism. I'm becoming more passionate about it everyday. I'd love to talk with anyone that has questions or is curious about resources, whatever. Email me at if you'd like to chat!
"You must not let your life run in the ordinary way; do something that nobody else has done, something that will dazzle the world." - Paramahansa Yogananda
9:55 AM | Author: Hyla

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