I managed to drag the whole family to VegFest this year. I've been looking forward to attending for months. I probably should have bought a lottery ticket the day I talked my husband, and both kids!, into attending because I feel pretty lucky. Actually, my family is pretty supportive of my "special dietary needs". (I won't go into detail how we ended up going straight from VegFest to an oyster bar though.) I didn't get any pictures but sampled so much food that I was stuffed. Even my husband sampled several products that he said he "could eat". Too funny. A couple of highlights include:
The raw chocolate cheesecake from Prasad. Seriously. SOOOO GOOOOD!
Grow Your Family Healthy's Heaven Sent ice cream. Yum!
Vege Thai's salad rolls. If you know me at all, you know I LOVE salad rolls.
I think the biggest highlight though was running into the very beautiful Sayward from Bonzai Aphrodite.
Already looking forward to next year!

I LOVE produce day! Columbia County Naturals food co-op orders organic produce every other week with Thursday delivery. I volunteer to help sort produce when it arrives and find there are few things better than spending the morning drooling over fresh, organic veggies and fruit. Not to mention dreaming up recipes for my loot.
I have been meaning to post pictures for a while and finally got around to snapping a few shots. My order was a little smaller this week because I am being gifted with homegrown goodies too. If you are interested in learning more about the co-op, email me at colcovegan@yahoo.com.
Drool away!