...I've been super absent from this blog for the past several months but stumbled across a comment that I wanted to respond to. Google/Blogger wouldn't let me comment so this post is my response for Kari...
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my dreads! They just turned a year old, about two weeks ago. They are maturing really well. Nice and felted. I have loops and bumps and some loose, fraying areas but I love them nonetheless. I get a bit frizzy after washing but it calms down within a day or two. It has been life changing and I'm so glad that I took what seemed like a huge leap at the time. The picture above was recently taken so you can get a good idea of what my dreads are like in their glorious wildness.
Kari: I'm so excited for you and hope you will stay in touch. I'd love to connect and hear about your experience!
I'm in the process of revitalizing this blog so please come back soon!