I already mentioned that I picked up a new book last weekend...The Complete Book of Raw Food...I'm a little obsesses with raw foods right now. I haven't been eating all raw though. If I had to guess, I'd say I'm eating about 50%-60% raw. I'm trying but not real hard. I have also been researching juice feasts and am considering a three-day feast next week. My big hang-up is that I don't have a juicer, yet. I'm working on it. But I think I could manage three days with a juices from a blender. I haven't committed at this point but I'll decide tomorrow for sure so I can plan ahead and prepare.
At any rate, the book has so much information and I'm looking forward to trying to prepare some of the recipes. It is a little intimidating, I must admit. Learning any new recipe or style of cuisine can be intimidating I guess. I need to pick a recipe or two and go for it. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes!
If you aren't familiar with Kris Carr, she is a kick-butt cancer crusader (Crazy Sexy Cancer) and I totally worship her! (She is super cool!) Her site, http://crazysexylife.com has had some amazing posts this past week that I highly recommend checking out.
Enjoy your Saturday night!
"If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian."
-Paul McCartney