The Traveling Vegan
1:57 AM | Author: Hyla

I'm back! The past several weeks have been a whirlwind! I took a brief break while I was being a road trip rock star! 2600+ miles later, I'm glad to be home and really, really glad to get back to my usual diet. After nine days of eating on the road, I can't stand the thought of eating at another restaurant anytime soon!

Traveling vegan does present some challenges and I learned a few things along my journey. Whether your a vegetarian/vegan or just adhere to any special diet, I've compiled a list of the things I learned. Hopefully, you will find these helpful.

1. Be flexible. I knew ahead of time that there would be challenges. It really depends on how strict you are with your diet. This is very general. Even for meat-eaters who are dieting, vacations and trips are a challenge for anyone watching their calories. You may just need to give yourself permission to relax a little.

2. Plan and prepare ahead of time. I have a mental list of safe places to eat. This is especially helpful when forced to eat fast food. I'm not a huge fan but refer to tip numero uno. Be flexible. Meals at Subway, Taco Bell and Baja Fresh can pretty easily be veganized. I also packed snacks. Dried fruit, nuts and seeds are super easy to throw together, keep well and keep you satisfied between pit-stops. I also relied on Lara Bars and my newest find, Bora Bora bars. They are a seed/nut/fruit bar made with agave nectar. Organic, vegan, yummy and can be purchased at Costco!

3. Make friends with your server and ask questions. I try to let my server know ahead of time that I'm "picky" and then ask a bunch of questions about how things are prepared. I also usually ask for substitutions. I have found that if I'm friendly and polite but assertively ask for what I want, they are usually very accommodating.

4. Lie only if you must. There is a difference between "don't" or "won't" eat and "can't" eat. Can't implies that for whatever reason, you cannot eat certain foods due to health reasons. Your waiter will fear making you terribly ill if you are served foods you "can't" eat! So if all else fails, tell them you are lactose intolerant, have a gluten allergy, or make up some mysterious condition.

5. Be flexible, part two. It is not always going to perfect and perhaps you feel like splurging a little. Go ahead! I love biscotti and haven't had any since converting to vegan eating. I was at Disneyland, ordering a coffee and the biscotti just looked so yummy. I figured if I was going to splurge, it should be at Disneyland, celebrating my son's birthday. I really enjoyed that biscotti and the moment in time. Very worth it. Pick your moments to enjoy something you love. Savor it and don't feel guilty about it.

Our trip was fantastic but I'm happy to be home and gently getting back into the normal groove of life. I'm fighting what I think is the flu but am optimistic that I will be feeling better and back to my usual self soon.


Learning to be lenient
6:03 PM | Author: Hyla
I'm typically an "all or nothing girl". If I'm going to do something, I'm going to DO IT. Hard. All out. No holding back. Except lately in the exercise department, not so much. I've had a few bouts of winter colds the past couple of months, struggle with seasonal affective disorder (self-diagnosed) and am generally just burned out. I haven't run in weeks. Nor have I weight lifted. I have, however, continued doing yoga. I hate to admit it, but I feel good. Even without the hard runs and heavy weights. On one hand, I miss my regular butt kickin' workouts. On the other...I'm enjoying the slower pace. Letting my body just "be". I have struggled with coming to terms with enjoying and accepting the fact that my body appreciates a slower pace. I don't really know where I'm going with this but I am finding some satisfaction and peace in allowing leniency. I am learning to enjoy my body more and not push so hard.
Hmm...maybe I'm getting old. HA!
Make time to slow down and celebrate being you!
Saturday Musings
5:56 PM | Author: Hyla
Yay for Saturday! I love the full of possibilities! I started my weekend at a wonderful yoga class at the Yoga Loft in Scappoose this morning. I even ran into an old friend I hadn't seen in years there. It was very cool and a fantastic class!
I already mentioned that I picked up a new book last weekend...The Complete Book of Raw Food...I'm a little obsesses with raw foods right now. I haven't been eating all raw though. If I had to guess, I'd say I'm eating about 50%-60% raw. I'm trying but not real hard. I have also been researching juice feasts and am considering a three-day feast next week. My big hang-up is that I don't have a juicer, yet. I'm working on it. But I think I could manage three days with a juices from a blender. I haven't committed at this point but I'll decide tomorrow for sure so I can plan ahead and prepare.
At any rate, the book has so much information and I'm looking forward to trying to prepare some of the recipes. It is a little intimidating, I must admit. Learning any new recipe or style of cuisine can be intimidating I guess. I need to pick a recipe or two and go for it. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes!
If you aren't familiar with Kris Carr, she is a kick-butt cancer crusader (Crazy Sexy Cancer) and I totally worship her! (She is super cool!) Her site, has had some amazing posts this past week that I highly recommend checking out.
Enjoy your Saturday night!
"If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian."
-Paul McCartney
Yoga! Yoga!
6:18 AM | Author: Hyla
Happy Tuesday! Hey - a day closer to Friday, right? Monday's are always a bit rough for weekend blues and all. However, one thing that keeps me going is my Monday evening yoga class. Twice a week, I attend class at The Vault Climbing Gym and Fitness Center in Old Town St. Helens. Chris Eisenschmidt, who has been teaching in the area for over 15 years, offers beginners, and seasoned yogis, a great hour-long class inside the old bank vault. She also instructs several classes at the Yoga Loft in Scappoose throughout the week. A link to their website is below. It also has information on classes at The Vault and general information about yoga. If you have considered giving yoga a try, you won't be disappointed! Here is the link:

I hope you all have a fantastic, marvelous, serene, lovely day!
And the winner is...
9:43 AM | Author: Hyla
Congratulations Brandi B.! Brandi is the winner of my first giveaway! Thank you to everyone for supporting my blog project. More great stuff is on the way so stay tuned for more giveaways and fantastic prizes!