I've been told that I'd make a good contestant on some of those reality shows. I'm pretty athletic and very competitive. However, I can't eat stuff. As in bugs, rodents, testicles, etc. I'd be fine with daring stunts but try to make me drink a shake made of grasshoppers and bull testicles...NEVER! Not even for millions and millions. (I'm going somewhere with this.)
Online earlier I saw an article on MSN.com that talks about carmine or cochineal. I quit eating Yoplait yogurt years ago (pre-vegan days) after learning about cochineal, which is a beetle native to Peru and the Canary Islands. The beetles (female) feed on red berries, which accumulate in their stomachs and on unhatched larvae. The bugs are then dried and ground into a powder. It is commonly used as a coloring for yogurt but also used for color in candy, beverages and ice cream. I'm sorry, but GROSS! On top of that, it is currently not labeled on the ingredient list. Typically it is labeled as "artificial color" or "color added". In 2010, the FDA will require that the presence of carmine or cochineal be listed as an ingredient. Good news for people that actually know what that is.
On a brighter note, I bought a new (un) cookbook today... The Complete Book of Raw Food. It has over 400 recipes and tons of hints and tips for preparing raw dishes and meals. I'm excited and inspired!
Have a wonderful Saturday!
"If you touch one thing with deep awareness, you touch everything".
-Thich Nhat Hanh
There are still two more days to get in the drawing for fabulous prizes! Simply join as a "follower" of this blog, email me at colcovegan@yahoo.com or join my Facebook group, Columbia County Vegan, and you will be entered to win! One lucky winner will receive a copy of Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. I may have to throw in some extra goodies too...maybe some yummy Lara bars! Who doesn't love free stuff? So, if you haven't already joined, get with the program! I appreciate your support and love!
I am fighting the third cold I've had in four months. I would like to believe that with my veg lovin' diet, my immune system would kick any infections ass so I can't help feel a little disappointed. Or maybe, with three other family members sick, I just didn't stand a chance! Scientists have found that vegetarians typically do have a stronger immune system and are less susceptible to everyday illnesses, such as the flu.
On top of that, my diet is out of whack this week because I'm at a conference. All meals are provided and I have no control over what I'm being served. However, I have control over what I actually consume. They are providing vegetarian options but were a little confused when I had to send the creamy pasta back. Um, hello...cream is dairy!!
Stay well!
On top of that, my diet is out of whack this week because I'm at a conference. All meals are provided and I have no control over what I'm being served. However, I have control over what I actually consume. They are providing vegetarian options but were a little confused when I had to send the creamy pasta back. Um, hello...cream is dairy!!
Stay well!
Wow! What a week! I'm so grateful that the weekend is here and for the sunshine! I hope you all are having a wonderful day!
As promised, I told a friend that I would post a list of a few of my favorite sites for super yummy vegetarian/vegan recipes. If you have any suggestions for sites or recipes, please email me and I will add them! These are my top three go-to sites.
"Be the change you want to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi
As promised, I told a friend that I would post a list of a few of my favorite sites for super yummy vegetarian/vegan recipes. If you have any suggestions for sites or recipes, please email me and I will add them! These are my top three go-to sites.
"Be the change you want to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi
Sometimes I can't help but wonder if I'm the only vegetarian in the area! Well, not entirely, because I have recently met another. But for the longest time, I have felt isolated in my little veg world. This site was born from my need to find a connection to others in the the South Columbia County area that are on a similar path. I really hope people know that this site is not just for vegetarians or vegans. I know there are many people exploring gluten-free diets, trying to eat more organic or local produce, curious about Slow Foods, trying to heal their bodies through nutrition...please help me spread the word to anyone you know that is interested in health and wellness through holistic nutrition!
The other purpose is to share information and tips on local resources that can help support our lifestyle. Whether it be a product, a restaurant, a community event, whatever! If you have any suggestions or tips for me to check out, please let me know.
I did want to share with readers that one of the best breads on the planet can be found locally at Safeway and Fred Meyer. I picked up this loaf of Ezekiel 4:9 whole grain sprouted bread for $3.99 at Safeway last night. The only downside (other than the price) is that it does contain naturally occurring gluten found in whole grains, like wheat. Sorry gluten-free friends!
One slice contains 80 calories, 0.5 grams of fat, 15 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of fiber and 4 grams of protein. It's glycemic index is 36 and it is certified organic by QAI. It is made from sprouted wheat, barley, millet, lentils, soybeans and spelt. No flour! And, according to their website, contains all 9 essential amino acids, making it a complete protein from vegetable sources.
It is located in the freezer section and should be stored in the refrigerator.
"By letting go, it all gets done."
The other purpose is to share information and tips on local resources that can help support our lifestyle. Whether it be a product, a restaurant, a community event, whatever! If you have any suggestions or tips for me to check out, please let me know.
I did want to share with readers that one of the best breads on the planet can be found locally at Safeway and Fred Meyer. I picked up this loaf of Ezekiel 4:9 whole grain sprouted bread for $3.99 at Safeway last night. The only downside (other than the price) is that it does contain naturally occurring gluten found in whole grains, like wheat. Sorry gluten-free friends!

It is located in the freezer section and should be stored in the refrigerator.
"By letting go, it all gets done."

Making significant diet or lifestyle changes is very individual. For some, it is for health or ethical reasons. Others may just be curious or wishing to expand their culinary horizons. I guess if I had to list my reasons for being a veg, it would be go: my health, first and foremost, the health of this glorious planet and finally, the well-being of the animals we share the earth with. However, I'm not preachy about it. I do not freak out when my family eats at KFC. Nor do I protest at barbeque's or during Thanksgiving dinner. I am following my own path and I'm proud of that. I do, however, believe that if people really understood what they are putting into their bodies, they would reconsider. Here is some food for thought.
The consumption of animal proteins and fats is linked to heart disease, numerous cancers, osteoporosis, diabetes, kidney disease, obesity (more than 60% of the U.S. population is considered overweight or obese!!), and dozens of other ailments and diseases. Vegetarian and vegan diets are associated with reduced risk of all the above mentioned conditions.
Animal agriculture is taking a huge toll on the environment. Consider the contamination to the soil and drinking water by manure, pesticides, and fertilizers. Animal agriculture produces more than 100 million tons of methane a year which is the leading non-CO2 gas contributing to global warming. Finally, the conditions in which animals are raised for consumption are horrific. They are sick, diseased, abused and mutilated. And then we ingest them full of antibodies, hormones and herbicides. Yuck.
I think that if people took the time to educate themselves, they would be way more cautious when it comes to the food they eat. How many of you have excluded peanut butter products recently? If you care about your health or your family's health, the planet or animals, please take the time to do some research and draw your own conclusions. Below are a couple of resources for you to check out!
"Doubt everything. Find your own light."

After several weeks of planning, prep work and plenty of hours spent on the computer, I am officially unveiling this blog today!! And this my friends, is just the beginning!
Between now and February 28th, become a Columbia County Vegan blog "follower", a group member on Facebook (or you can email me colcovegan@yahoo.com) and you'll be entered to win fabulous prizes including your very own copy of Skinny Bitch. Yay! Prizes!!

I hope you are enjoying the weekend and celebrating all the love in your life! (My valentine gave me a head of kale wrapped in red tissue paper...mmm...breakfast!) Love is a truly amazing ability. I am so blessed and grateful to be loved and be able to love others. Something we should never take for granted!
After five whole days of nearly perfect raw eating, I wanted cooked food this morning. And BAD. I could no longer deny my desire and caved. I believe in the power of raw foods and am still planning to eat raw about 50% of the time. However, I am just not ready to commit to it completely. At least not yet. I gained a ton of knowledge out of the experiment and am loving the kale juice, something I probably would never have tried otherwise!
Valentine's Day dinner (we are staying in with a sick kiddo) is going to be a vegan Mexican feast, complete with plenty of fresh guacamole, mango salsa, margarita's (of course!!) and vegan chocolate cupcakes...I'm still trying to find the perfect frosting recipe but the cupcakes are amazing.
I wish you lots of love and veggies!
After five whole days of nearly perfect raw eating, I wanted cooked food this morning. And BAD. I could no longer deny my desire and caved. I believe in the power of raw foods and am still planning to eat raw about 50% of the time. However, I am just not ready to commit to it completely. At least not yet. I gained a ton of knowledge out of the experiment and am loving the kale juice, something I probably would never have tried otherwise!
Valentine's Day dinner (we are staying in with a sick kiddo) is going to be a vegan Mexican feast, complete with plenty of fresh guacamole, mango salsa, margarita's (of course!!) and vegan chocolate cupcakes...I'm still trying to find the perfect frosting recipe but the cupcakes are amazing.
I wish you lots of love and veggies!
Happy Friday! My day started way too early this morning but I'm glad it is Friday! While I have not officially launched this blog yet, I keep finding small doses of inspiration to go through with it. An old friend I have recently become reacquainted with doesn't know many other vegetarians, especially in the area, and was happy to find out that I'm a veg head. That is my inspiration. It can be challenging to live alternative lifestyles, especially if, like me, you are the only one in your family and social network. So, that said, I'm super pumped to make this blog a fantastic resource and community. Please feel free to contact me at colcovegan@yahoo.com.
Have a wonderful day!
Have a wonderful day!

Yay! The week is half-way over! I have to give a shout out to Kristen from Kristen's Raw! Thank you for visiting my blog! If you are curious about going raw or need some inspiration, visit her site: http://www.kristensraw.com/.
Speaking of raw, I'm still on my "kick". I have moments that I wonder what the hell I'm doing and moments that I feel totally enlightened. The enlightened periods seem to be taking hold...as you may have guessed from the photo. That was breakfast. I have never even tried kale and this morning I drank it. It was surprisingly tasty mixed with the grapefruit juice. Kale is a nutritional powerhouse, not just a salad bar decoration. It's a great source of fiber, calcium and vitamins...is a cancer fighter and detoxifies...and it is in season during the winter. Yay for kale. Tomorrow morning I'm planning to blend the kale juice with a banana...
I'm very happy to report that my little sprout experiment is working! My project list for this upcoming weekend includes figuring out what to do with the sprouts that I grow. And, I might give dehydrating a try. So many new things to learn.
If your interested, here is the recipe for the kale juice:
Three medium kale leaves, washed with stems removed
Juice from two grapefruits
2 cups of filtered water
Blend the kale and water in a blender, strain the pulp from the juice
In a bottle, shake kale and grapefruit juices until blended.
This made approximately 20 ounces of juice.
"Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts."
-The Buddha
More snow today! You couldn't go anywhere without someone commenting on how sick they are of the snow and ready for spring to arrive. Despite the dip in the temperature, I am getting a jump start on my garden, which promises to be bigger and better than ever! I already have green leaf lettuce and Swiss chard seedlings starting to sprout. I love growing things. Especially things I can eat! My other latest experiment is sprouting. This morning I began my first batch of lentil sprouts. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing but am hoping that little green nuggets of phytonutrients begin growing soon!
Oh, and I did continue to eat mostly raw today... the last time I experimented with my diet I decided to try vegetarianism... that was October 25, 2006. Yikes!
"Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food."
Oh, and I did continue to eat mostly raw today... the last time I experimented with my diet I decided to try vegetarianism... that was October 25, 2006. Yikes!
"Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food."

Happy Monday! I just got home from a long day at work, followed by a fantastic yoga class. Yoga has changed my life. More to come on that later... I spent too much time this past weekend studying and researching raw food diets. My diet evolution in constantly in motion. I've gone from eating a double cheeseburger meal (super-sized, of course) from McDonalds, to a high-protein bodybuilding diet. It was not uncommon for me to consume a dozen or more egg whites a day and don't get me started on chicken breasts! Now, I've been a vegetarian for nearly 2 1/2 years and have eaten about 80% vegan since August of last year. Like I said, it is constantly changing. I'm searching for ultimate health, wellness, radiance and vitality through whole foods.
After all the reading I did this weekend, I was convinced to try raw. I tried it about a year ago and made it about a day. It is hard. I don't think I'm ready now, but I know I could really benefit from some extra fruits and veggies! I actually have managed to eat all raw today, even though I was totally unprepared, and have found my appetite decrease into the evening. Not normal for me. Usually, I'm starving! At any rate, I feel good and hopefully detoxed a little after too much of everything over the weekend. Will I do it tomorrow? Undetermined at this point.
"To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders."
Thank you for visiting Columbia County Vegan! I am a 30-something living and loving in St. Helens, Oregon. I have been 100% vegetarian for more than 2 years and currently eat about 90% vegan. I love the vegan lifestyle and holistic nutrition. While I have no serious health ailments, I'm a firm believer that food can heal and is the ultimate fountain of youth. I am also educating myself about other alternate diets including raw food and gluten-free diets. Most important, I am living the veg life in a rural community which sometimes proves challenging. My goal is to create a supportive network here in my community where we can share our collective knowledge and rock the veggie lifestyle!