Krazy for Kale
7:35 PM | Author: Hyla

Yay! The week is half-way over! I have to give a shout out to Kristen from Kristen's Raw! Thank you for visiting my blog! If you are curious about going raw or need some inspiration, visit her site:

Speaking of raw, I'm still on my "kick". I have moments that I wonder what the hell I'm doing and moments that I feel totally enlightened. The enlightened periods seem to be taking you may have guessed from the photo. That was breakfast. I have never even tried kale and this morning I drank it. It was surprisingly tasty mixed with the grapefruit juice. Kale is a nutritional powerhouse, not just a salad bar decoration. It's a great source of fiber, calcium and a cancer fighter and detoxifies...and it is in season during the winter. Yay for kale. Tomorrow morning I'm planning to blend the kale juice with a banana...
I'm very happy to report that my little sprout experiment is working! My project list for this upcoming weekend includes figuring out what to do with the sprouts that I grow. And, I might give dehydrating a try. So many new things to learn.

If your interested, here is the recipe for the kale juice:
Three medium kale leaves, washed with stems removed
Juice from two grapefruits
2 cups of filtered water
Blend the kale and water in a blender, strain the pulp from the juice
In a bottle, shake kale and grapefruit juices until blended.
This made approximately 20 ounces of juice.

"Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts."
-The Buddha
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