Making significant diet or lifestyle changes is very individual. For some, it is for health or ethical reasons. Others may just be curious or wishing to expand their culinary horizons. I guess if I had to list my reasons for being a veg, it would be go: my health, first and foremost, the health of this glorious planet and finally, the well-being of the animals we share the earth with. However, I'm not preachy about it. I do not freak out when my family eats at KFC. Nor do I protest at barbeque's or during Thanksgiving dinner. I am following my own path and I'm proud of that. I do, however, believe that if people really understood what they are putting into their bodies, they would reconsider. Here is some food for thought.
The consumption of animal proteins and fats is linked to heart disease, numerous cancers, osteoporosis, diabetes, kidney disease, obesity (more than 60% of the U.S. population is considered overweight or obese!!), and dozens of other ailments and diseases. Vegetarian and vegan diets are associated with reduced risk of all the above mentioned conditions.
Animal agriculture is taking a huge toll on the environment. Consider the contamination to the soil and drinking water by manure, pesticides, and fertilizers. Animal agriculture produces more than 100 million tons of methane a year which is the leading non-CO2 gas contributing to global warming. Finally, the conditions in which animals are raised for consumption are horrific. They are sick, diseased, abused and mutilated. And then we ingest them full of antibodies, hormones and herbicides. Yuck.
I think that if people took the time to educate themselves, they would be way more cautious when it comes to the food they eat. How many of you have excluded peanut butter products recently? If you care about your health or your family's health, the planet or animals, please take the time to do some research and draw your own conclusions. Below are a couple of resources for you to check out!
"Doubt everything. Find your own light."