Happy Monday! I just got home from a long day at work, followed by a fantastic yoga class. Yoga has changed my life. More to come on that later... I spent too much time this past weekend studying and researching raw food diets. My diet evolution in constantly in motion. I've gone from eating a double cheeseburger meal (super-sized, of course) from McDonalds, to a high-protein bodybuilding diet. It was not uncommon for me to consume a dozen or more egg whites a day and don't get me started on chicken breasts! Now, I've been a vegetarian for nearly 2 1/2 years and have eaten about 80% vegan since August of last year. Like I said, it is constantly changing. I'm searching for ultimate health, wellness, radiance and vitality through whole foods.
After all the reading I did this weekend, I was convinced to try raw. I tried it about a year ago and made it about a day. It is hard. I don't think I'm ready now, but I know I could really benefit from some extra fruits and veggies! I actually have managed to eat all raw today, even though I was totally unprepared, and have found my appetite decrease into the evening. Not normal for me. Usually, I'm starving! At any rate, I feel good and hopefully detoxed a little after too much of everything over the weekend. Will I do it tomorrow? Undetermined at this point.
"To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders."
We have a lot in common (trying all kinds of diets including bodybuilding ones - did you ever compete?). I've never turned back once embracing vegan and my level of Rawness varies from all Raw to High Raw, with even occasions of moderate Raw based on my schedule, travel conditions, etc. I never stress about it, make the best choices I can, and know that I'm doing a great job :)
Taking it a day at a time is a great (and fun and flexible!) way to embrace adding more fresh whole plant-based foods.
I look forward to following your blog!